My to-do list is getting ridiculous. Right now I'm staring at a list of 20 AI tools I "absolutely must try," alongside a mountain of videos, guides, TikToks, newsletters, and podcasts waiting to teach me the "next big thing in AI."
Every day, it's the same story: new tools, new features, all of them shiny and promising and just begging to revolutionize my life. And let me tell you, AI is really triggering my FOMO.
But after weeks of drowning in AI updates and feeling like I'm perpetually behind, I've developed some survival tips for handling the AI overflow.
Accept Your Defeat (It's Actually Liberating)
Here's the truth: by the time you finish reading this sentence, there's probably a new AI tool out there. Unless tracking AI developments is literally your full-time job (and maybe even then), you've already lost the keeping-up game. And you know what? That's completely fine. -
The Secret About AI News
Want to know something refreshing? Most of these AI announcements won't actually affect your day-to-day work. A lot of it is just tech giants playing announcement ping-pong with each other. Do I really need another image generator? -
Finding What Actually Works
I've learned that following people who cut through the noise and show you how to actually use these tools makes a difference. They're the ones who test things out and tell you straight up: "this works for X, it's useless for Y, and here's how to use it ."
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some digital cleaning to do - time to unsubscribe from about 15 AI newsletters that I haven't opened in weeks. And maybe, just maybe, I'll finally try one of those 20 tools on my list.
...Or I'll just add five more to the list while procrastinating. We all know how this goes. 😉