A short post inspired by a question from a colleaguer I work with at Overwolf.

As with anything related to artificial intelligence, it's important to remember that it doesn't invent anything.
If you want interesting content, you need to find something interesting to write about.
But that doesn't mean AI can't help you do it quickly and with maximum laziness!

As always, it's simple:

Gather your past posts

Everything you've ever written on social media and thought to yourself, "Wow, that turned out well.

Save it in a file

Preferably one organized document, less clutter.

Upload the file to GPT

Let it read, understand your language, and absorb the vibe. You can do this in a regular session or build a bot like I showed in my previous post and ask it to mimic your tone and style.

Write about what you want to talk about

Just give it a topic, and it will make sure it sounds like you.

Pro tip: Ask it to write without the "—" sign!!!

Everyone already knows that only GPT writes this sign; no human even knows where it is on the keyboard.
This is how I do it. This is also how this post was written. And if you've read this far, it probably works pretty well.

Tag a social media manager friend and a friend managed by social media, and don't tell them who's who 😉

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